Back in the 90's and early 00's, personal websites as a form of self-expression were very popular among teenagers and twentysomethings. Web cliques were especially pervasive, and everyone who had their own site had splash pages that may or may not use Javascript pop-ups to control how the layout looks in 800x600 resolution peppered with text codes or blinkies signifying their belongingness to a group premised around a particular theme. One clique stood out in particular: Tira's brainchild, Scented Angels (S.A.), which was so popular that by the time I joined, it did not even have a members' list because the owner could not keep up with the number of submissions.
The purpose of S.A. was for members to claim a flavor that represents the color scheme of their current layout. It was, to me, quite a brilliant way of combining the senses to foster creative output, and absolutely loved the idea. The clique however seemed to disappear sometime in 2006, when its host domain expired. :(
I returned to designing personal sites as a hobby in 2017 after a five-year hiatus, and was feeling nostalgic for the things I enjoyed as a teen. To this day I still cannot forget how original of an idea S.A. was, and how it fit my design tendencies as a hobbyist (since I tend to change layouts for my sites every update, no matter how far and few those may be). ☆